"Tick-tock, tick, tick-tock" With each passing time I seem to keep hearing the sounds of the past mumbling at me. From each tick made from the movement of the clock, it looks to be addressing my past mistakes that I regret more than anything in my life. 11:35 is the time, I'm still awake despite sleeping everyday around 9 o'clock. Before the clock hit 12, I started reflecting on my journeys this year. It seemed that almost everything I did this year, I'm deeply regretting this very minute. For being someone who didn't spend their time wisely, for never spending much time with my friend who transferred, for never socializing with enough people, I seem to regret it all. Whilst reflecting on the things I did this year the clock finally hit 12, the silent environment turned into a party. The empty streets were filled and packed with joy, from kids and people celebrating the new year. The moment I saw their bright smiles was the same time I saw a glimmer ...