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Here we collide, even if we've divided

 Imagine one entire festival that is celebrated by all citizens in a province, a festival that brings all of their cultures and traditions to become one for this very moment. Here in Ilocos such festivities are held. Kannawidan Festival or is now known as Ilocos Sur Festival is an annual occasion that is celebrated by all citizens across Ilocos. It is held every year starting from the date February 28 until February 14. What a day to celebrate valentine's day, am I right? Each year, the same date and in the same place festival is opened. But other than the festival opening it also people from different municipalities all across Ilocos to reconnect to their roots. It also serves as a way for people to let modernization and 'ancient' tradition to collide in order to create a much more engaging, fun, and educational festival for all ages and culture to celebrate and experience. In between these dates the old broken bond from different people is pieced back together through thi...
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For everyone not for only one

Each year in the month of February Valentine's is celebrated. It is believed and known to be one of the grandest occasions that is celebrated by all people around the world. St.Valentine's Day is an annual occasion to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration. People celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends. However most people seem to misunderstand this date. They often think that Valentine's day is only for couples, or to those who have a special someone. But in reality valentine's day is for everyone of all genders, ages, and culture. It is an occasion that should be celebrated by everyone, because it is a day to spread even more love to those who are important to us. It is a worldwide event that further bonds people together. It is a day where new love is created, bonds are made to be much stronger. Valentine's day is a day for everyone to share love with one another, and it is also a date that celebr...

Secret Recipe for a sweet 'treat'

In creating the perfect recipe that results into the creation of a sweet treat, there are many parts and processes included in it. Exactly like creating our own Web Page, it took trials, time, patience, love, and other ingredients to make it 'perfect' in our eyes. Well if you do want to create a perfect web page in your eyes, then why I not I let you in our little secret. OUTLINE THE 'INGREDIENTS' NEEDED Outlining our ideas and brainstorming is pretty much like listing down all the things needed to bake a cake. You need lots of mind to create the perfect one, and that's exactly what we did first before making our web page. We listened, listed, and brainstormed our ideas. What should be the theme of our web page? Who will code which parts? And most importantly who will be the chef that will be responsible of the overall look of our web page? We outlined, discussed, and did all of these things before actually making our web page. Tools first before baking  However bef...

New challenges equivalent to a new path

 During this quarter I experienced a huge shock since I'll be back inside our classroom again after weeks of training in journalism. I expected myself to struggle and that I needed more time to adjust my pace, so that I can keep up with my classmates. That's why when I found out that one of the main topics during this quarter is doing a Community Based Research, whilst also making our own Web Page/Design with it I felt overwhelmed. But I knew that if I spent all of my worrying about how hard the task will be without even doing it, I wouldn't be able to move forward. That's why I tried to do my best to analyse, understand, and most especially to communicate with my peers for lesson recalls and tips in making a web page. Thankfully I was paired with amazing Teammates that helped me overcome my fear of falling behind because I don't know much about coding. They guided me in making some of the parts in our web design. And through our collaboration we were able to create...

Chinese New Year— a celebration that brings people together

  In chinese culture and tradition, chinese new year is celebrated in between the dates January 21 and February 20. During this date numerous people from around the world all Celebrate to usher out the old year and bring forth the luck and prosperity of the new one into their lifes. Among the different countries celebrating Chinese New Year, our country is a part of it. Celebrating and embracing the ambience of chinese culture in our community. It offers filipino a joy to enjoy and experience the culture and tradition of other Southeast Asian countries.  The beauty of the fire breathing 'humans' roaming the streets of Manila, wrapping around it the traditional dancing dragons parading around the city. Along with the bright smiles of children who are admiring the beauty, culture, and tradition of fellow countries. It shows us that despite constant feud in between countries, there are still celebrations such as this that keeps and connects us as one.  This became possible b...

Viva Vigan—Tara na Kaibigan!

Who would've thought that just by travelling to Ilocos, you'd find yourself travelling back in time almost 400 years ago. Shocked by the beauty of one City here in Ilocos that was preserved so greatly that it is able to gain the title as part of the Seven Wonder Cities of the World.  Vigan City is a wonder that beholds both the story and history of the City. Filled with people full of hospitality, joy, and warmth. There is no denying that it's one of the best places one can visit. No wonder why it was established as a city on 1758 by a Royal Decree from King Ferdinand VI of Spain. The bright lights that shine through Calle Crisologo from 400 years ago still visible to this date shows the elevated journey that this city went through to become what it is today. From the cobblestone houses that shows each part of our history, it shows the beauty that is preserved in so many years. Because of the city thriving with tourism with it's remarkable history, the Fiesta is celebra...

Mumbles of each clock

"Tick-tock, tick, tick-tock" With each passing time I seem to keep hearing the sounds of the past mumbling at me. From each tick made from the movement of the clock, it looks to be addressing my past mistakes that I regret more than anything in my life. 11:35 is the time, I'm still awake despite sleeping everyday around 9 o'clock. Before the clock hit 12, I started reflecting on my journeys this year. It seemed that almost everything I did this year, I'm deeply regretting this very minute. For being someone who didn't spend their time wisely, for never spending much time with my friend who transferred, for never socializing with enough people, I seem to regret it all. Whilst reflecting on the things I did this year the clock finally hit 12, the silent environment turned into a party. The empty streets were filled and packed with joy, from kids and people celebrating the new year. The moment I saw their bright smiles was the same time I saw a glimmer ...