Whilst it is not new to our knowledge that the Philippines gets hit with at least an average of 20 typhoons and storms each year. Because of this, Filipinos have developed and coped with this through Resiliency. Despite countless typhoons entering the Area of Responsibility (PAR) , Filipinos are known to be the most resilient and happy citizens still managing to show a smile amidst calamities.
It is true that being a resilient resident will lessen your nervousness during a calamity. But Filipinos should keep in mind that sometimes being resilient isn't enough to save them from danger. Likewise some citizens who are called to be "resilient" seem to lack the knowledge of basic preparation and ignorance seems to possess them during drills or meetings guiding them in the steps to do during a calamity. With the rapidly fast change happening in our climate, some Filipinos are barely keeping up with it. Resulting in most of them falling into great danger. Despite efforts done by our Government, emergency response isn't fast enough to cover such populated areas and rural areas. However some still ignore the dangers of calamities and choose to use the phrase "We are Filipinos, we are resilient. We can stand any typhoon or calamity that may hit us." As an excuse for their ignorance.
Isn't it time to finally stop romanticising Resiliency? Because living in a country located inside the Pacific Ring of Fire is not a joke, it is serious given that many calamities may hit us. So let's make it that Resiliency shouldn't be our number 1 practice, instead let's make it be Preparedness. In order for us to stand strong and be ready during disasters such as typhoons.
REFERENCES: https://www.phillife.co/filipino-culture/amp/
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