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Culture that deepens our connection

Treasures that our country beholds

As known our country has over 7,000+ islands for us to explore. With each island holding a piece of our history that connects all Filipinos, but it also has its very own unique features that only belongs to a particular part in our country. Likewise our country also has many people with different cultures and traditions, which shapes the country we all love and know.

Just like the Indigenous Peoples thatives within our country and its so called walls. These people are part of the many people in our country shaping and molding our Culture. They continue to strive and thrive in their own way, showing to everyone without any fear the culture and tradition that they have within.

Given a month made especially for them, we should start re-implementing inclusive education for them. A curriculum where students part of the Indigenous people will gain knowledge that is needed and is respectful towards their beliefs. This will not only reveal the gems that our country beholds, but it'll also create a path that will shine more bright than the last ones that were created for them.



  1. The way you constructed this blog is astonishing! I know that this journey may not be easy as it may seem, however, it's not impossible to go after improvement and changes. Keep up the good work!

    1. I really appreciate it! Your blogs also show their own quality that shines brighter than others.

  2. Your blog post has really great content, and I can see the effort you've put into it! However, I would suggest avoiding the phrase "Draft 3" in the title or anywhere in the final post.

    1. Thank you for the reminder, I will not repeat giving my blogs the same title again.


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