In creating the perfect recipe that results into the creation of a sweet treat, there are many parts and processes included in it. Exactly like creating our own Web Page, it took trials, time, patience, love, and other ingredients to make it 'perfect' in our eyes.
Well if you do want to create a perfect web page in your eyes, then why I not I let you in our little secret.
Outlining our ideas and brainstorming is pretty much like listing down all the things needed to bake a cake. You need lots of mind to create the perfect one, and that's exactly what we did first before making our web page. We listened, listed, and brainstormed our ideas. What should be the theme of our web page? Who will code which parts? And most importantly who will be the chef that will be responsible of the overall look of our web page? We outlined, discussed, and did all of these things before actually making our web page.
However before we can create our cake we're gonna need tools that will help us put together and gather all of the ingredients we need. And in this case our tools are our methods which mainly is a questionare, along with a letter requesting for their help in gathering information for our research.
What's a cake without it's contents?
Before we can bake a cake we're gonna need 'contents' to add to it. Just like in our Web Page, we can't create our Wep Page without any contents. That's why we created a questionare to help us gather the contents needed to create our page.
Like any other cake, once you've finished gathering all of your ingredients it's finally time to bake 'em. Take note it takes time for your cake to bake, and it also needs constant care and the proper measurements of each ingredient to make it balance, and perfect at the same time. Just like in making your web page, it takes time for you to finish it. You're gonna need patience, and a good hand that knows the exact tags to use in making your page.
Present them and enjoy them
After you've finished baking your cake it's finally time to present it to your audience and to let them enjoy it. Remember to have confidence within you and to be proud of the product of your hard work, it may not be perfect in everyone's eyes but to yours it is.
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