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Showing posts from December, 2024

Elpidio Quirino a known "hero"

Elpidio Quirino an Ilocano like us, was born on November 16, 1890, in the city of Vigan. He was the sixth President here in the Philippines having his reign around April 17, 1948 until December 30, 1953. He was a lawyer and politician who held several other positions. He is also known as the Father of Foreign Service. In his early life he contributed and achieved many things including Secured the Tydings–McDuffie Act, Drafted the 1935 Philippine Constitution,Established ties with foreign countries,Improved the Philippine Armed Forces, Pardoned Japanese prisoners of war, Established the Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO), Created a seven-point program for social security. Because of his countless contributions, some people saw him as a great contributor in our economy. REFERENCE:

Journey full of codes

Just like the previous quarter I learned many things that at first seemed hard but as I kept on trying it eventually started becoming easy. While doing some of my activities I encountered many problems like forgetting the end tags causing my whole html file to not load and most especially time was my biggest enemy. With each second passing and my activities piling up. But with proper time management and with the help of my classmates I was able to manage and finish my activities. As for coding, I'm not gonna lie it was fun doing the activities. I loved how we were given the opportunity to explore by our own and to do trial and error in our activities. It did not only make me learn more but it also made learning html coding a lot more fun and engaging for students who get bored easily like me. REFERENCE:

Culture that deepens our connection

Treasures that our country beholds As known our country has over 7,000+ islands for us to explore. With each island holding a piece of our history that connects all Filipinos, but it also has its very own unique features that only belongs to a particular part in our country. Likewise our country also has many people with different cultures and traditions, which shapes the country we all love and know. Just like the Indigenous Peoples thatives within our country and its so called walls. These people are part of the many people in our country shaping and molding our Culture. They continue to strive and thrive in their own way, showing to everyone without any fear the culture and tradition that they have within. Given a month made especially for them, we should start re-implementing inclusive education for them. A curriculum where students part of the Indigenous people will gain knowledge that is needed and is respectful towards their beliefs. This will not only reveal the gems ...

Resiliency is not always a flex

Resiliency isn't always a flex Whilst it is not new to our knowledge that the Philippines gets hit with at least an average of 20 typhoons and storms each year. Because of this, Filipinos have developed and coped with this through Resiliency. Despite countless typhoons entering the Area of Responsibility (PAR) , Filipinos are known to be the most resilient and happy citizens still managing to show a smile amidst calamities. It is true that being a resilient resident will lessen your nervousness during a calamity. But Filipinos should keep in mind that sometimes being resilient isn't enough to save them from danger. Likewise some citizens who are called to be "resilient" seem to lack the knowledge of basic preparation and ignorance seems to possess them during drills or meetings guiding them in the steps to do during a calamity. With the rapidly fast change happening in our climate, some Filipinos are barely keeping up with it. Resulting in most of them falling i...

Children, hope of our future

With every problem that we encounter, the children are always the first ones to be affected. Children are our hope for a brighter future, and in order to achieve it we need to start teaching and showing children things that will not only keep them safe and happy but to also mold a brighter community. With each decision that we make we should always keep in mind, children are around us and what we do is what they do. Children are still not mature enough to make decisions on their own, their With every problem that we encounter, the children are always the first ones to be affected. It is just within our reach to make a change and turn the minds of these children into a well shaped and rounded child. With our help, no child will ever feel abandoned, or unwanted if we gather together to show these children that they are the future. Other than this it is also time to break the silence and to fight for children's rights. It's time to stop violence towards children, in order...

Not only a woman, I'm more than that

"You are only a woman. You have NO rights!", Only a woman?ONLY? This is the sad reality that most women still experience nowadays. Hurtful words that pierce through their hearts like it's made out of paper, disregarding any rights or proof of all of their efforts because they're 'only' a "powerless" gender seen to almost all. They're often taken advantage of because of everyone's thoughts that women are powerless and will never have enough courage to speak the truth; that's how some completely hideous people see women. They see them as toys and dolls that are made 'exclusively' for men and the society to play with. Do we really want to keep living in this harsh reality where women are seen as tools for pleasure? Thankfully there have been many laws implemented protecting the rights of women and protecting them against violence. Such as RA 8353 or The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 and RA 11313 or Safe Spaces Act. RA 8353 (The Ant...